11288 staquad wiring

Starquad wiring instruction 11288 starquad:
In order to benefit from the Starquad concept you need to wire the 4 conductors for you balanced audio cable as follows: (See wiring diagram below)
Bundle each opposite (Star) conductor together,
Pin2= red&ivory (Signal+),  Pin3= pink&white (Signal -). Pin1= shield 1&2 =Ground
Put each a few strands of each layer of the shields together to ground Pin 1 should you not have space for all shielding strands.
Cut away any spare strands from the shields and secure that no loose strands are hanging around. Use a shrinking tube to avoid short circuits.
We do not recommend putting any ground to the body shell on either side of your XLR line. The connector shell will get to ground once plugged into a receptacle.
